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Showing posts from June 17, 2017


Most groups that come down to serve with Groundwork Guatemala fly in on a Saturday.  It means that today for us was a slow day to get rested up from our travel.  We spent the morning unpacking our bags and all the generous donations that filled our suitcases.  After separating and putting away the donations we spent time helping with vitamins.  The ministry gives out thousands of vitamins a month to children, adults and pregnant women. Our job was to divide the large bottles into a one month supply.  After lunch we had a surprise trip to a local park.  Manuel, the missionary who lives here at the house where we stay, invited us to join he and his children.  The park was wet and muddy from the rain we had today, but it was nice to stretch our legs and a beautiful walk through the trees.  Tonight we had a chance to practice our faith lesson that we will be sharing with children next week.  Everyone had a chance to get in a nap and most too...